I had originally intended to publish my campaign setting once everything was complete. This, however, is taking much longer than it ever should, for many reasons. For one thing I'm lazy; video games and teh intarwebz take up massive amounts of my time (admittedly because I let them, because...I'm lazy).
For another thing I keep restarting the project, as I tend to do with most of the things I'm working on. Every time I come up with a good idea in game design, I develop it and things go nicely, but then sometime later in development I come up with a way to do things better. So inevitably I restart the whole project. Now granted, each successive iteration is genuinely better than the last. But...for fuck's sake I'll never finish if I keep restarting! I need to learn to stick with what I've got, and save good ideas for later.
Finally, the primary reason this is taking forever is that genuine world building is a fucking monumental task. I am developing not just races, but the cultures that they form, the interactions of those cultures with others, the history of the race and its connections to the histories of other races or specific regions. I have to develop so goddamn much stuff that making a dent in the broad project as a whole is simply a time consuming endeavor that normally takes whole groups of people to complete. So, silly me, I've decided to do it all myself.
Be any of that as it may, however, I have decided to start releasing bits of this campaign setting at a time. I figure that, since I am working on publishing actual fiction soon on lulu, I can use that as my baseline. Each story of the upcoming series of publications is going to showcase one of the races, cultures, or other aspects of my setting. So, in line with that, I will begin posting the game material related to those races, cultures, and other aspects here on my blog. It's all for free, as the crunchy rules side of my setting was always intended to be.
So, as stated, here is the first bit. Dark gnomes and the goblins they have horrifically enslaved. Enjoy!
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