Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rambling - Maleficent Eats Your Lunch Cookies

I'm broke!  Hooray!

To say that the job market is bad is enough of an understatement to make me sick.  Most places simply aren't hiring, and when they do it is with the luxury of selecting from a veritable zerg rush of eminently employable individuals all just as eager as the next.  I cannot say I really hold anything against my competitors in this job market, but in all reality...fuck those guys.  I need to eat dammit!

When I originally quit working at the porn shop in December, it was a conscious decision because I just wanted to relax for a while.  I had deliberately saved enough money to live until mid August without changing my life style, and I did exactly that; I did not work at all, and my lifestyle changed not in the slightest.  Well, the good news is that my math was absolutely spot-on.  The bad news is that I stayed jobless incredibly longer than I ever anticipated.  I was supposed to have gotten a job in June, but here I am still looking.  Still competing with all the other equally desperate, equally competent people.  Even for the most pathetic jobs imaginable.

Thus, I am beginning to turn to alternative methods of generating positive cash flow.  Any pimps out there need another bitch?

More seriously though, since I want to get paid to write I figure I might as well let necessity be the mother of invention.  Necessity in this case being a looming rent payment that is greater in value than the current contents of my bank account, and invention being an actual attempt to get paid at writing instead of writing things I enjoy just because I love it.

As such I will alter this blog from what I had originally intended.  No longer will I spew random brain poops onto the internet for my own amusement / therapy / cries for attention.  From this point on the majority of this blog will (should?) consist of fiction.  Writing that, I hope, will entertain people to keep coming back regularly and, Hell willing, click on some damn ads and gimme mah mufukkin' monies.

That in mind, I go now to write fiction.

1 comment:

  1. Lay on with the fiction, and damn he who cries "HOLD"!

    I know, I know. It's not quoted anyplace close to right .. but maybe it's just fictional.
