Friday, March 05, 2010

Story as character development?

So I'm making an attempt to develop a character more specifically, more carefully, and more deliberately than I have ever attempted before. In the past, all my characters have either formed whole in my mind at conception, or I've developed them through the process of telling their story. I decided that for once, just to see if I could and to see how it would turn out if I did, I would fully flesh out a character before ever telling their story.

I decided to make the character a young woman of Indian descent, set in the unspecified future I've been developing for shoots & googles. As I began to write, I unfortunately decided to gloss over important elements of her childhood and move on to her life as an adult. When I realized that I had done this, I became annoyed and came close to scrapping the entire project. Instead I calmed down, had a few drinks, and decided that rather than deleting what I'd written I would deliberately insert my cursor into the velvety folds of my existing creativity. I would alter that which I had already written; something with which I am not unfamiliar and never wholly pleased.

To placate my own overdeveloped sense of self loathing, I justified this alteration of work I'd already completed by adding even more detail than I had intended. The more I wrote, the more detail seemed to develop in this woman's childhood, and the more interested I became. So I have gradually come to the conclusion that I will complete this woman's entire childhood, teen years, and young adulthood as an entire story unto itself. I will make an honest effort to actually complete this project, which is something I've had a problem with in the past (more due to trouble getting my hands to write something fast enough to finish it before my brain completes the idea and moves on than anything else). Thus, I will attempt to use this blog as a means to force myself to focus on this project deliberately and purposefully until it is completed. Perhaps if I've got this, a place where I force myself to post updates, I'll end up completing a project.

Maybe one empty post after another will shame me into finishing the fucker.

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